I-5 Pedestrian Bridge

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The City plans to construct a pedestrian bridge over I-5 and a gateway plaza at its east landing in the Wilsonville Town Center. The pedestrian bridge will provide a critical east/west connection between the proposed Emerald Chain, a greenway that meanders through Town Center, and neighborhoods and the regional trail system to the west of I-5. The gateway plaza will provide a gathering space and gateway into the Wilsonville Town Center. The bridge design will be highly visible to passing motorists, serving as a regional landmark in the heart of Wilsonville.

Since kicking off the project in winter 2020, we've gathered your ideas on important themes and design elements, creating different bridge and plaza concepts for the community to consider. Based on this feedback (summarized below under the Project Updates tab), the City selected the Tied Arch concept for the bridge and a combination of the Drops and Ripples and River Oxbow plaza concepts to move forward for more detailed design work.

The City plans to construct a pedestrian bridge over I-5 and a gateway plaza at its east landing in the Wilsonville Town Center. The pedestrian bridge will provide a critical east/west connection between the proposed Emerald Chain, a greenway that meanders through Town Center, and neighborhoods and the regional trail system to the west of I-5. The gateway plaza will provide a gathering space and gateway into the Wilsonville Town Center. The bridge design will be highly visible to passing motorists, serving as a regional landmark in the heart of Wilsonville.

Since kicking off the project in winter 2020, we've gathered your ideas on important themes and design elements, creating different bridge and plaza concepts for the community to consider. Based on this feedback (summarized below under the Project Updates tab), the City selected the Tied Arch concept for the bridge and a combination of the Drops and Ripples and River Oxbow plaza concepts to move forward for more detailed design work.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    El diseño del puente peatonal y la plaza de la I-5 está avanzando con los comentarios que hemos recibido de la comunidad durante el último año. Ahora les pedimos comentarios sobre los detalles que le darán personalidad al espacio. El acceso oeste del puente, en Boones Ferry Road (ilustración de perfil y ubicación en la imagen que sigue) brindará la oportunidad de incorporar elementos que mejoren su atractivo visual desde la I-5. Por favor participe en esta encuesta breve e indíquenos qué elementos de realce le gustaría ver en el muro. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The I-5 Pedestrian Bridge and Plaza design process is moving forward using community input we've received over the past year. We are now asking for your input on details that will shape the character of the space. The approach on the west side of the bridge along Boones Ferry Road (location and profile image shown below) will provide an opportunity for enhancements to create a unique visual element visible from Interstate 5. Please take this short survey and let us know how you would like to see the wall enhanced.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    La Ciudad de Wilsonville planea construir un puente peatonal sobre la I-5 y una plaza de entrada en su aterrizaje al este en el Wilsonville Town Center. El puente peatonal proporcionará una conexión crítica este/oeste entre la propuesta “Emerald Chain”, una vía verde que serpentea a través de Town Center, y el Wilsonville TransitCenter, vecindarios, y el sistema de senderos regionales al oeste de la I-5. La plaza de entrada proporcionará un espacio de reunión y una puerta de entrada al Wilsonville Town Center.

    Esta encuesta se basa en información recibida al inicio del proyecto y por medio de la encuesta en línea que se completó en el invierno de 2020.  A partir de esos comentarios, hemos desarrollado conceptos  del puente y de la plaza de entrada. Ahora deseamos sus opiniones para asegurar que los elementos de diseño, del puente, y de la plaza y reflejen el carácter de Wilsonville. Su aportación informará el desarrollo del diseño del puente y la plaza que se llevará a cabo en el otoño de 2020. 

    Lo que hemos oído hasta ahora

    Basándose en la aportación pública y las contribuciones de la Comisión de Planificación y del Consejo de la Ciudad, surgieron los siguientes temas y prioridades que han ayudado a guiar el proceso de diseño y se han incorporado a los conceptos de diseño actuales. Por favor considere estos temas y prioridades a medida que revisa los materiales y seleccione qué tipo de puente y elementos de la plaza se sienten apropiados para Wilsonville. 

    Priorizar elementos

    1.El puente y la plaza deben integrar la naturaleza y el diseño sostenible.

    2.Las conexiones de puente deben apoyar el futuro desarrollo.

    3.La plaza debe proporcionar lugares para detenerse y descansar.

    4.Plaza debe incorporar arte.

    5.El puente como estructura icónica que evoca a Wilsonville.

    Temas que resuenan

    1.Armonía con la naturaleza

    2.Apto para familias

    3.Willamette River/Boones Ferry

    4.Inclusivo y acogedor

    5.Activo y móvil

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    The City plans to construct a pedestrian bridge over I-5 and a gateway plaza at its east landing in the Wilsonville Town Center. The pedestrian bridge will provide a critical east/west connection between the proposed Emerald Chain, a greenway that meanders through Town Center, and the Wilsonville Transit Center, neighborhoods, and the regional trail system to the west of I-5. The gateway plaza will provide a gathering space and gateway into the Wilsonville Town Center.

    This survey builds upon the project kickoff and online survey that we completed in the Winter 2020. From that input, we have developed bridge and gateway plaza concepts. Now we want your input to ensure that the bridge, plaza, and design elements reflect the character of Wilsonville. This input will inform design development of the bridge and plaza that will take place in Fall 2020.

    What we’ve heard so far

    Based on public feedback and Planning Commission and City Council input, the following themes and priorities emerged that have helped guide the design process and have been incorporated into the current design concepts. Consider these themes and priorities as you review materials and select which bridge type and plaza elements you feel are appropriate for Wilsonville.

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Page last updated: 21 Oct 2021, 01:58 PM