Wilsonville Residential Zoning Standards Modernization Project

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The Wilsonville Residential Zoning Modernization Project seeks to update City rules controlling how and where residential buildings and other improvements can be built (zoning standards). The updates seek to address issues raised over the years related to applying the rules to the building of neighborhoods. The updates aim to make the rules more understandable and certain, ensure the ability to meet rules in most circumstances, and better tailor rules, originally contemplated for bigger neighborhoods, for smaller neighborhoods. The proposed updated rules focus on clarifying how many housing units can be built on a given amount of land, clarifying the size of individual properties or lots and related rules, and clarifying the amount of parks, natural areas, and similar open spaces in neighborhoods.

The City determines which rules apply to which portions of the City by mapping the entire City with zones. Each zone has rules specific to it. Wilsonville has eleven different residential zones. Seven of the residential zones are Planned Development Residential (PDR) zones split up based on the number of housing units they allow per a given area of land (density). The proposed updated rules are most applicable to about 63 acres of unbuilt and underbuilt land within the City limits currently within one of the seven PDR zones or likely to be in one of these zones in the future. The proposed updates may also apply to land added to the City in the future if the land is assigned a PDR zone. The proposed updates will not apply to the Frog Pond residential area (Residential Neighborhood Zone) or Villebois residential areas (Village Zone) as these areas are not in PDR zones. The proposed updates also do not apply to existing neighborhoods planned and built under existing rules, including those within PDR zones. Previously approved plans will continue to control what can be built in these neighborhoods unless a neighborhood undergoes a large scale redesign and rebuild.


The Wilsonville Residential Zoning Modernization Project seeks to update City rules controlling how and where residential buildings and other improvements can be built (zoning standards). The updates seek to address issues raised over the years related to applying the rules to the building of neighborhoods. The updates aim to make the rules more understandable and certain, ensure the ability to meet rules in most circumstances, and better tailor rules, originally contemplated for bigger neighborhoods, for smaller neighborhoods. The proposed updated rules focus on clarifying how many housing units can be built on a given amount of land, clarifying the size of individual properties or lots and related rules, and clarifying the amount of parks, natural areas, and similar open spaces in neighborhoods.

The City determines which rules apply to which portions of the City by mapping the entire City with zones. Each zone has rules specific to it. Wilsonville has eleven different residential zones. Seven of the residential zones are Planned Development Residential (PDR) zones split up based on the number of housing units they allow per a given area of land (density). The proposed updated rules are most applicable to about 63 acres of unbuilt and underbuilt land within the City limits currently within one of the seven PDR zones or likely to be in one of these zones in the future. The proposed updates may also apply to land added to the City in the future if the land is assigned a PDR zone. The proposed updates will not apply to the Frog Pond residential area (Residential Neighborhood Zone) or Villebois residential areas (Village Zone) as these areas are not in PDR zones. The proposed updates also do not apply to existing neighborhoods planned and built under existing rules, including those within PDR zones. Previously approved plans will continue to control what can be built in these neighborhoods unless a neighborhood undergoes a large scale redesign and rebuild.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Proposed Project Approach

    The overall approach of modernizing the rules (standards) under review is to replace rules that have issues related to clarity, consistency, or feasibility with rules mirroring those of the recently adopted Residential Neighborhood (RN) zone. The City adopted the Residential Neighborhood Zone and associated rules for the Frog Pond area in 2017 after extensive community conversation and research. The Residential Neighborhood Zone combined the best rules of the City’s then existing residential zones with rules considered the most current and effective by professionals in the field. The rules for the Residential Neighborhood Zone are Wilsonville’s most modern residential zone rules and thus provide an excellent source for updated standards in other zones in Wilsonville. Before finalizing these new standards, the City wants your comments on the Proposed Project.

    Zoning Survey

    The following survey will step through each proposed update to the zoning standards. The survey divides the proposed updates into 2 sections: (1) How many housing units can be built on a given amount of land, the size of individual properties or lots and related standards, and (2) The amount of parks, natural areas, and similar open spaces in neighborhoods. Each subsequent page of the survey will address a proposed update and will have the following components:

    • Explanation of the issues identified within the current standard and reason for the proposed update;
    • Information about the updated zoning standards “Draft Updates";
    • Links for more detailed review of proposed updates;
    • An opportunity to indicate the level to which you agree with the proposed updates; and
    • An opportunity to provide written comments.

    You can also email questions and comments about the project to the project manager Daniel Pauly, Planning Manager, at pauly@ci.wilsonville.or.us   

    Following the feedback from this online survey and other comments, City staff will work with the Planning Commission to further refine the proposed updates and create a final package for review and adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council.

    Take Survey
Page published: 19 Nov 2019, 01:15 PM